Runtime setting not working?

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Message boards : Number crunching : Runtime setting not working?

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Profile ChertseyAl
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Message 1298 - Posted: 15 Aug 2012 | 8:15:45 UTC

I've been seeing strange behaviour with the WU runtime setting in my preferences.

Having had a period of fairly random actual runtimes, I checked the setting and found that it was zero. So I changed it to 1 (hour) and eventually the WUs started running mostly for one hour.

When I went to change the setting yesterday, it had somehow turned into 1.5, although the WUs were still running for 1 hour.

So I changed the setting to 3 (and it is still 3), but my WUs are running for exactly 2 hours!

Not that important, but a bit strange :)




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Message 1299 - Posted: 15 Aug 2012 | 10:46:08 UTC - in response to Message 1298.

That's because the runtime limit was changed from number of samples to time in minutes. The Windows app was not yet updated, so it reads 3 hours as 180 samples x 40 seconds each = 120 minutes. On Linux everything should be fine, as the app there already reads the prefs as runtime in minutes.

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Message 1323 - Posted: 28 Aug 2012 | 17:33:59 UTC - in response to Message 1299.

Looks like it's fixed in the latest version. My last WU was actually 3 hours as selected :)




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Message 1358 - Posted: 12 Sep 2012 | 9:27:44 UTC - in response to Message 1323.

There is another issue with the run time setting, when the BOINC core client runs under very high load (a lot of heavyweight CPU or GPU tasks), the timing functions available from BOINC API are off by a small amount of time.
Usually that's just microseconds on each call which adds up to a couple of seconds or perhaps minutes per average length workunit, so that's nothing to worry about.

There was one extreme case reported by Szopler; when running fightmalaria, it stresses the BOINC core so much that the API calls take much more time than expected.
Under this conditions boinc_sleep(1.0) took around 4.0 seconds to execute (average) during my trials with test app, which resulted in completely wrong runtime and sample_time jumping so wildly, that eventually the validator didn't like the output and set the WU as invalid.
The 1.70 app (which is under tests now) fixes that partially by watching it's own timer instead of blindly trusting the BOINC core, however it's still not perfect and the runtime will increase under very high load (not to some ridiculous values anymore), that's unavoidable because the app has to call the API frequently.

Profile ChertseyAl
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Message 1359 - Posted: 12 Sep 2012 | 17:55:03 UTC - in response to Message 1358.
Last modified: 12 Sep 2012 | 18:07:58 UTC

I don't recall seeing any problems when running projects that really stress the machine - SIMAP is about the hardest hitting IME.

I usually run Primegrid (pretty heavy) or DistRTGen, Primaboinca or Moo - Not sure if they are heavy hitters or not in terms of squeezing the CPU, but they run really quickly on this machine.

Perhaps because its a cheap and nasty single core Celeron ...



p.s. Just checked, and FWIW the last 20 WUs overran by between 11 and 15 seconds on 3 hour WUs, running DistRTGen, QCN and WUProp, if that means anything :)

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