Some possible ways to improve this project

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Message boards : Science : Some possible ways to improve this project

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Jason Taylor
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Message 1850 - Posted: 6 Jul 2013 | 4:25:17 UTC
Last modified: 6 Jul 2013 | 4:28:21 UTC

I'm very happy to own a unit that arrived a month ago. It isn't working perfectly. But aside from that here are a few suggestions from me on how we can improve this project:

1. Forum needs a "Help" (setting up and getting it to work section). The existing 4 Boards are not for that.
2. The data needs to be avail to all. What is the point in giving the data to ?? (who owns this site?) if I cannot get the data from all as well. I want something back for donating. The map only shows a binary edition in intensity that is essentially worthless for almost all purposes but to see if there is a nuclear war. What if i want to see a geographical location where plants are growing at high natural radiation. Graph map is worthless for that.
3. Layout of website would be easier if the FAQ was renamed to "How to get going" because there are faqs in the forums, such as #2.
4. I have no idea how anyone is plotting their past data. I can't get it. But, it should be in utc, not last 1000 ??? time units.

Feedback welcomed. Change is always resisted, so I don't anticipate these suggestions going anywhere, but I think it would be unethical to not put them up for the powers at be to have exposure to them.


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Message 1853 - Posted: 6 Jul 2013 | 10:58:59 UTC

Some good points i must say :)
DSKAG Austria Research Team:

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Message 1905 - Posted: 18 Jul 2013 | 19:34:46 UTC - in response to Message 1850.
Last modified: 18 Jul 2013 | 19:35:01 UTC

2. We have a simple data export API, anyone can pull the data from the server either manually or by automated script, it was designed to allow synchronization (pulling only new records).

4. You have obviously missed the 'improved' graphs, which are timestamped, take a look at dskagcommunity's sig for example.

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