Is there a list of compatible detectors for this project?

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Message 2342 - Posted: 5 Feb 2014 | 19:04:01 UTC

I can't find a FAQ or sticky post explaining the type of scintillator/sensor/detector needed for this project. As far as I can tell, the project's owners sell sensors directly to the participants every couple of years. And there seems to be some independent hacking going on to make a GMC-300 work with this project. Is that it?

Surely there is a published set of specifications that the project requires of its raw data (e.g., "bandwidth", sensitivity, sampling rate, raw file format). And from those specifications, am I crazy to expect that a COTS (Commercial Off-the-Shelf) product would not meet those specs? And if I'm not crazy, why can I not find a list of these devices by manufacturer and model number on this website?

Profile Fabio Tomaselli (Sicilia)
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Message 2343 - Posted: 6 Feb 2014 | 11:45:04 UTC - in response to Message 2342.

I can't find a FAQ or sticky post explaining the type of scintillator/sensor/detector needed for this project. As far as I can tell, the project's owners sell sensors directly to the participants every couple of years. And there seems to be some independent hacking going on to make a GMC-300 work with this project. Is that it?

Surely there is a published set of specifications that the project requires of its raw data (e.g., "bandwidth", sensitivity, sampling rate, raw file format). And from those specifications, am I crazy to expect that a COTS (Commercial Off-the-Shelf) product would not meet those specs? And if I'm not crazy, why can I not find a list of these devices by manufacturer and model number on this website?

Hello, I can tell you that as I use a commercial sensor GMC-300E and it works fine.

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Message 2344 - Posted: 7 Feb 2014 | 11:53:18 UTC - in response to Message 2342.

I can't find a FAQ or sticky post explaining the type of scintillator/sensor/detector needed for this project. As far as I can tell, the project's owners sell sensors directly to the participants every couple of years. And there seems to be some independent hacking going on to make a GMC-300 work with this project. Is that it?

Surely there is a published set of specifications that the project requires of its raw data (e.g., "bandwidth", sensitivity, sampling rate, raw file format). And from those specifications, am I crazy to expect that a COTS (Commercial Off-the-Shelf) product would not meet those specs? And if I'm not crazy, why can I not find a list of these devices by manufacturer and model number on this website?

Source code of firmware and client are available under GPL licence and you can find it on this forum (also hardware).
Frequency of detectors selling are based on our available time - this project is non-commercial and all of us have to work somewhere to get daily portion of bread ;)
Only commercial detector compatible is (at the moment) GMC-300 (mentioned above).
Commercial detectors are build for money, so they have they own specific protocols and manufacturers very rarely publish its specs...

Krzysztof 'krzyszp' Piszczek
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