Posts by gtippitt

1) Message boards : Number crunching : using a GMC-300 for a project detector? (Message 3192)
Posted 3322 days ago by gtippitt
Could you email it to me or tell me where I could download it from. I would like to get this working and am willing to work on the coding and documentation. I just had nowhere to start from. With something that shows me how the project needs the data, I can work on it from there.

My email address is gtippitt at gmail dot com

2) Message boards : Number crunching : using a GMC-300 for a project detector? (Message 3190)
Posted 3323 days ago by gtippitt
I have never gotten any help with information regarding the GMC-300 detector, other than the posts in this thread that reference the files that can no longer be found in the Enigma forum.

I've given up being able to share my device's readings with this project, which is a shame given my close proximity to the US Oak Ridge National Laboratories. The ORNL site is arguably the 4th most infamous reactor site, although they have not admitted to any radiation accidents since 1958.

3) Message boards : Number crunching : using a GMC-300 for a project detector? (Message 2965)
Posted 3446 days ago by gtippitt
The link in TJM's earlier post referred to a ZIP file on the Enigma@Home forums that cannot be found,
"Nie ma/nie bylo tu takiego pliku, lub zostal juz usuniety"

I appreciate whatever you guys can send to me. As I get mine working, I will try to put together a simple "How To", which could be "stickied" in the forum.

This sensor cost me (US) $100, which is a lot more than your kit, but if we could put together some simple instructions for using it on Radioactive@Home, there are probably lots more BOINC crunchers like me that are a bit paranoid about radiation, but not good with hardware. I realize it is silly of me, since the sensors themselves are not radioactive, but the words "hardware tinkering" and "radioactive" used together don't fill me with confidence regarding my competence with a soldering iron.


BOINC Team Leader for
STARFLEET - Star Trek Fan Association
4) Message boards : Number crunching : using a GMC-300 for a project detector? (Message 2963)
Posted 3446 days ago by gtippitt
I live a short ways from Oak Ridge, Tennessee USA, where they have had reactors running longer than anywhere. The old X10 reactor (also known as the Clinton Pile but had nothing to do whatsoever with Bill) was the second reactor ever built after Fermi's Chicago Pile. Besides the old spills and the reactors still running, they still build and store the bombs there as well. They prefer to talk about having the second fastest supercomputer instead of the radiation.

I bought one of the GMC-300E+ detectors off eBay to monitor radiations levels rather than ordering one of the kits, because I'm better at taking things apart than putting them together. I'm a lot better with software than hardware, so I thought perhaps I could get it to work with RadioActive@Home under Linux.

I crunch for lots of other BOINC projects and would like to add your project to my list.

If somebody could send me a copy of whatever code they have as a starting place, I'll try to see what I can get working.

Greg Tippitt

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