Posts by Crazy-Sonic

1) Message boards : Science : A small program for the Raspberry to read the current value and transfer it over Ethernet. (Message 3489)
Posted 2765 days ago by Crazy-Sonic
I have written a small program to read the current value from the sensor, it is written in Python 3 and runs on each Raspberry and runs parallel to Boinc. The value is read out via RS232, since I am with USB programming not yet know well ;). I use this to represent the value in my house automation "IP_Symcon". Improvements are always welcome. If you have any suggestions, please email me at ""

Best regards Crazy Sonic

P.S. sorry for my bad English

import serial, threading, socket

class WorkSerial(threading.Thread):
receive_Buffer = "Emty"

def __init__(self, iD, speed):
self.iD = iD
self.speed = speed

def run(self):
print("Starting Serial Thread ", self.iD)
serial_port = serial.Serial("/dev/ttyAMA0", self.speed)
while 1:
WorkSerial.receive_Buffer = serial_port.readline()
print("Serial Error... Retry...")

class WorkTcp(threading.Thread):
receive_Buffer = "Emty"
send_Buffer = ""
def __init__(self, iD, port=10001, ip=(""), BufferSize=1024):
self.iD = iD
self.port = port
self.ip = ip
self.BufferSize = BufferSize

def run(self):
print("Starting TCP Thread ", self.iD)
while 1:
host_name = socket.getfqdn()
host_ip = self.ip
print("Hostname: " + str(host_name) + " IP: " + str(host_ip) + " Port: " + str(self.port) + " Buffer: " + str(WorkSerial.receive_Buffer))
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
s.bind((host_ip, self.port))
conn, addr = s.accept()
print('Connection address:', addr)
while 1:
data = conn.recv(self.BufferSize)
if not data:

if data == b'Send_Value':
xStreamOn = True
conn.send(bytes(str(WorkSerial.receive_Buffer) + "\r\n", 'utf-8'))
if data == b'Send_Status':
conn.send(bytes("Penis" + "\r\n", 'utf-8'))
print("TCP Error... Retry...")


print ("Starting Crazy´s Serial to TCP Gateway V0.1")

# t1 = WorkSerial(Thread ID ,Baudrate)
t1 = WorkSerial(1,9600)
# t1 = WorkTcp(Thread ID ,Port,IP-Adress,Buffer-Size)
t2 = WorkTcp(2,10001,"",1024)

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