Posts by abyss

11) Message boards : News : New detectors release soon! (Message 1179)
Posted 4412 days ago by Profile abyss
Great news!
Hope there will be no problem with popular Ubuntu x64.

If anyone from Ireland / Limerick area want to join to my order just give me a shout.

Pozdrowienia :)

12) Message boards : News : New Radioactive@Home detector prototype (Message 1154)
Posted 4432 days ago by Profile abyss
Krzysztof wrote there are problems with new prototype:
"Basically, new prototype works fine with windows but doesn't with Linux - that is not acceptable..."

I have no detector at this time and I'm awaiting for new batch...

13) Message boards : News : New Radioactive@Home detector prototype (Message 1151)
Posted 4434 days ago by Profile abyss
Any news about progress in Linux environment?
Particularly I'm interested in Ubuntu x64
14) Message boards : Cafe : Ebay? (Message 1104)
Posted 4458 days ago by Profile abyss
Not bad idea, but there is a "tons" places where promotion can be done. Mainly - all kind of gamers forum (Fallout, Stalker - etc.) and weather station web-pages. Even more, If there will be chance to create combined software for "our" detector and popular weather stations (as for example widely used WH1080 / WH1081 USB connected)- it will be very handy. Weather stations provide informations about wind direction and power, humidity and temperature. Wind direction is potentially critical.
15) Message boards : Science : Is it essential where the detector is placed? (Message 646)
Posted 4604 days ago by Profile abyss
Information about detector placement (indoor, outdoor) should be definitely provided on sensors map. Even more, two detectors in one location: one indoor and one outdoor measurements should be handled by software. Of course, at first stage most important is outdoor radiation. Indoor is "second line of defence".

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