Posts by mickydl*

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Specified device was not found (Message 2049)
Posted 3944 days ago by mickydl*
Hi Teammate :)



Notice the dot and the forward-slash in front of the program name to indicate the current directory. In most Linux distributions the current directory is not in the search path (for security reasons) when you are root.

I hope that helps.

2) Message boards : Science : No Credits on Raspi? (Message 1614)
Posted 4191 days ago by mickydl*
Are you sure that the vendorId and productId of your sensor are correct ? Mine are:

idVendor = 04d8
idProduct = f6fe

The easiest way to find out is to start a shell and do a

tail -f /var/log/messages

(or wherever the system messages go on your system. Then plug in your sensor and watch the messages and watch for the IDs.

3) Message boards : Cafe : World reactors map... (Message 1336)
Posted 4349 days ago by mickydl*
You might want to add these two research reactors in Germany:

- 48°15′57″ N, 11°40′27″ E (inactive)
- 48°15′57″ N, 11°40′33″ E (20MW, active)

Both reactors are operated by the University in Munich. The first one was switched off in the year 2000. The second one is operational since 2004.


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