Posts by Claggy

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Automate Updates (Message 1895)
Posted 4030 days ago by Claggy
Dear Crashtest, I am running BOINC v.7.1.17. Are their specific Pref setting to control automatic updates when task is completed? Thanks for your help.

Again, run a later Boinc client, eihier 7.1.18 or 7.2.4:

Preliminary Change Log 7.1.17 --> 7.1.18:

client: fix bug that delayed work fetch from non-CPU-intensive projects.

We were waiting until there was no task for the project before asking for another task. We should have been waiting until there was no in-progress task.

2) Message boards : Number crunching : Private Message: Where is the Outbox (Message 1788)
Posted 4054 days ago by Claggy

I am not sure where this post is best placed but here seems OK.

So when I send PMs, where is the outbox?

I have looked and looked and cannot see.

Words of wisdom please...


There isn't an Outbox, only an Inbox, there has been talk about adding one through.

3) Message boards : Number crunching : Boinc 7.0.64 and nci uploads, trickles and requests (Message 1737)
Posted 4083 days ago by Claggy
I take that Back, David has just responded:

Wed May 22 14:34:32 PDT 2013:

-- David


client: don't ask an NCI project for work if current job still uploading

Note: we currently assume NCI projects have only 1 app.
Removing this assumption would be a little work.

4) Message boards : Number crunching : Boinc 7.0.64 and nci uploads, trickles and requests (Message 1736)
Posted 4083 days ago by Claggy
I sent a Bug report to the Boinc_alpha list reporting a Minor Bug with with regards to nci apps, trickles and requests,
meaning for every Wu done the project looses 15 minutes of sensor data because Boinc doesn't wait for the upload to complete before asking for work,
or once being refused work, and the upload completes, doesn't immediately ask for work again.
(Meaning there isn't any data collected for about 2 and half hours for every 24 hour peroid)

There has been no response to my Bug report, if someone can replicate it and add their tuppence to the Boinc Alpha list it will be appreciated:

I have a minor problem with Boinc 7.0.50 (that's when i started running Boinc 7 on this host) and later and Radioactive@home's nci app,
when the app finishes, Boinc 7 does it's trickle up and requests work, but that gets refused as the upload is still in progress,
often after than Boinc 7.0.64 will sit around for up to 15 minutes before asking again:

21/05/2013 05:38:24 | Radioactive@Home | Computation for task sample_1824982_0 finished
21/05/2013 05:38:24 | Radioactive@Home | [dcf] DCF: 1.192714->1.187009, raw_ratio 1.135663, adj_ratio 0.952167
21/05/2013 05:38:27 | Radioactive@Home | Started upload of sample_1824982_0_0
21/05/2013 05:38:27 | Radioactive@Home | [sched_op] Starting scheduler request
21/05/2013 05:38:27 | Radioactive@Home | Sending scheduler request: To send trickle-up message.
21/05/2013 05:38:27 | Radioactive@Home | Requesting new tasks for CPU
21/05/2013 05:38:27 | Radioactive@Home | [sched_op] CPU work request: 1.00 seconds; 0.00 devices
21/05/2013 05:38:27 | Radioactive@Home | [sched_op] NVIDIA work request: 0.00 seconds; 0.00 devices
21/05/2013 05:38:27 | Radioactive@Home | [sched_op] ATI work request: 0.00 seconds; 0.00 devices
21/05/2013 05:38:31 | Radioactive@Home | Finished upload of sample_1824982_0_0
21/05/2013 05:38:31 | Radioactive@Home | Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks
21/05/2013 05:38:31 | Radioactive@Home | [sched_op] Server version 613
21/05/2013 05:38:31 | Radioactive@Home | No tasks sent
21/05/2013 05:38:31 | Radioactive@Home | This computer has reached a limit on tasks in progress
21/05/2013 05:38:31 | Radioactive@Home | Project requested delay of 7 seconds
21/05/2013 05:38:31 | Radioactive@Home | [sched_op] Deferring communication for 7 sec
21/05/2013 05:38:31 | Radioactive@Home | [sched_op] Reason: requested by project

21/05/2013 05:52:15 | Radioactive@Home | [sched_op] Starting scheduler request
21/05/2013 05:52:15 | Radioactive@Home | Sending scheduler request: To fetch work.
21/05/2013 05:52:15 | Radioactive@Home | Reporting 1 completed tasks
21/05/2013 05:52:15 | Radioactive@Home | Requesting new tasks for CPU
21/05/2013 05:52:15 | Radioactive@Home | [sched_op] CPU work request: 1.00 seconds; 0.00 devices
21/05/2013 05:52:15 | Radioactive@Home | [sched_op] NVIDIA work request: 0.00 seconds; 0.00 devices
21/05/2013 05:52:15 | Radioactive@Home | [sched_op] ATI work request: 0.00 seconds; 0.00 devices
21/05/2013 05:52:19 | Radioactive@Home | Scheduler request completed: got 1 new tasks
21/05/2013 05:52:19 | Radioactive@Home | [sched_op] Server version 613
21/05/2013 05:52:19 | Radioactive@Home | Project requested delay of 7 seconds
21/05/2013 05:52:19 | Radioactive@Home | [sched_op] estimated total CPU task duration: 8054 seconds
21/05/2013 05:52:19 | Radioactive@Home | [sched_op] estimated total NVIDIA task duration: 0 seconds
21/05/2013 05:52:19 | Radioactive@Home | [sched_op] estimated total ATI task duration: 0 seconds
21/05/2013 05:52:19 | Radioactive@Home | [sched_op] handle_scheduler_reply(): got ack for task sample_1824982_0
21/05/2013 05:52:19 | Radioactive@Home | [sched_op] Deferring communication for 7 sec
21/05/2013 05:52:19 | Radioactive@Home | [sched_op] Reason: requested by project
21/05/2013 05:52:22 | Radioactive@Home | Starting task sample_1825341_0 using radac version 176 in slot 8

Note: the trickle/request and upload often are in different orders:

21/05/2013 01:16:38 | Radioactive@Home | Computation for task sample_1824236_0 finished
21/05/2013 01:16:38 | Radioactive@Home | [dcf] DCF: 1.205722->1.198897, raw_ratio 1.137476, adj_ratio 0.943399
21/05/2013 01:16:39 | Radioactive@Home | [sched_op] Starting scheduler request
21/05/2013 01:16:39 | Radioactive@Home | Sending scheduler request: To send trickle-up message.
21/05/2013 01:16:39 | Radioactive@Home | Requesting new tasks for CPU
21/05/2013 01:16:39 | Radioactive@Home | [sched_op] CPU work request: 1.00 seconds; 0.00 devices
21/05/2013 01:16:39 | Radioactive@Home | [sched_op] NVIDIA work request: 0.00 seconds; 0.00 devices
21/05/2013 01:16:39 | Radioactive@Home | [sched_op] ATI work request: 0.00 seconds; 0.00 devices
21/05/2013 01:16:40 | Radioactive@Home | Started upload of sample_1824236_0_0
21/05/2013 01:16:43 | Radioactive@Home | Finished upload of sample_1824236_0_0
21/05/2013 01:16:43 | Radioactive@Home | Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks
21/05/2013 01:16:43 | Radioactive@Home | [sched_op] Server version 613
21/05/2013 01:16:43 | Radioactive@Home | No tasks sent
21/05/2013 01:16:43 | Radioactive@Home | This computer has reached a limit on tasks in progress
21/05/2013 01:16:43 | Radioactive@Home | Project requested delay of 7 seconds
21/05/2013 01:16:43 | Radioactive@Home | [sched_op] Deferring communication for 7 sec
21/05/2013 01:16:43 | Radioactive@Home | [sched_op] Reason: requested by project

21/05/2013 01:29:22 | Radioactive@Home | [sched_op] Starting scheduler request
21/05/2013 01:29:22 | Radioactive@Home | Sending scheduler request: To fetch work.
21/05/2013 01:29:22 | Radioactive@Home | Reporting 1 completed tasks
21/05/2013 01:29:22 | Radioactive@Home | Requesting new tasks for CPU
21/05/2013 01:29:22 | Radioactive@Home | [sched_op] CPU work request: 1.00 seconds; 0.00 devices
21/05/2013 01:29:22 | Radioactive@Home | [sched_op] NVIDIA work request: 0.00 seconds; 0.00 devices
21/05/2013 01:29:22 | Radioactive@Home | [sched_op] ATI work request: 0.00 seconds; 0.00 devices
21/05/2013 01:29:26 | Radioactive@Home | Scheduler request completed: got 1 new tasks
21/05/2013 01:29:26 | Radioactive@Home | [sched_op] Server version 613
21/05/2013 01:29:26 | Radioactive@Home | Project requested delay of 7 seconds
21/05/2013 01:29:26 | Radioactive@Home | [sched_op] estimated total CPU task duration: 8123 seconds
21/05/2013 01:29:26 | Radioactive@Home | [sched_op] estimated total NVIDIA task duration: 0 seconds
21/05/2013 01:29:26 | Radioactive@Home | [sched_op] estimated total ATI task duration: 0 seconds
21/05/2013 01:29:26 | Radioactive@Home | [sched_op] handle_scheduler_reply(): got ack for task sample_1824236_0
21/05/2013 01:29:26 | Radioactive@Home | [sched_op] Deferring communication for 7 sec
21/05/2013 01:29:26 | Radioactive@Home | [sched_op] Reason: requested by project

Boinc 6.0.58 used to do it in two requests one after the other, 20 secs later a new Wu would start:

22-Feb-2013 19:31:14 [Radioactive@Home] Computation for task sample_1500438_0 finished
22-Feb-2013 19:31:14 [Radioactive@Home] [dcf] DCF: 1.008261->1.012175, raw_ratio 1.047396, adj_ratio 1.038814
22-Feb-2013 19:31:17 [Radioactive@Home] Started upload of sample_1500438_0_0
22-Feb-2013 19:31:17 [Radioactive@Home] [sched_op_debug] Starting scheduler request
22-Feb-2013 19:31:17 [Radioactive@Home] Sending scheduler request: To send trickle-up message.
22-Feb-2013 19:31:17 [Radioactive@Home] Requesting new tasks for CPU
22-Feb-2013 19:31:17 [Radioactive@Home] [sched_op_debug] CPU work request: 1.00 seconds; 0.00 CPUs
22-Feb-2013 19:31:17 [Radioactive@Home] [sched_op_debug] NVIDIA GPU work request: 0.00 seconds; 0.00 GPUs
22-Feb-2013 19:31:17 [Radioactive@Home] [sched_op_debug] ATI GPU work request: 0.00 seconds; 0.00 GPUs
22-Feb-2013 19:31:18 [Radioactive@Home] Finished upload of sample_1500438_0_0
22-Feb-2013 19:31:19 [Radioactive@Home] Scheduler request completed: got 0 new tasks
22-Feb-2013 19:31:19 [Radioactive@Home] [sched_op_debug] Server version 613
22-Feb-2013 19:31:19 [Radioactive@Home] Message from server: No tasks sent
22-Feb-2013 19:31:19 [Radioactive@Home] Message from server: This computer has reached a limit on tasks in progress
22-Feb-2013 19:31:19 [Radioactive@Home] Project requested delay of 7 seconds
22-Feb-2013 19:31:19 [Radioactive@Home] [sched_op_debug] Deferring communication for 7 sec
22-Feb-2013 19:31:19 [Radioactive@Home] [sched_op_debug] Reason: requested by project

22-Feb-2013 19:31:30 [Radioactive@Home] [sched_op_debug] Starting scheduler request
22-Feb-2013 19:31:30 [Radioactive@Home] Sending scheduler request: To report completed tasks.
22-Feb-2013 19:31:30 [Radioactive@Home] Reporting 1 completed tasks, requesting new tasks for CPU
22-Feb-2013 19:31:30 [Radioactive@Home] [sched_op_debug] CPU work request: 1.00 seconds; 0.00 CPUs
22-Feb-2013 19:31:30 [Radioactive@Home] [sched_op_debug] NVIDIA GPU work request: 0.00 seconds; 0.00 GPUs
22-Feb-2013 19:31:30 [Radioactive@Home] [sched_op_debug] ATI GPU work request: 0.00 seconds; 0.00 GPUs
22-Feb-2013 19:31:32 [Radioactive@Home] Scheduler request completed: got 1 new tasks
22-Feb-2013 19:31:32 [Radioactive@Home] [sched_op_debug] Server version 613
22-Feb-2013 19:31:32 [Radioactive@Home] Project requested delay of 7 seconds
22-Feb-2013 19:31:32 [Radioactive@Home] [sched_op_debug] estimated total CPU job duration: 6922 seconds
22-Feb-2013 19:31:32 [Radioactive@Home] [sched_op_debug] estimated total NVIDIA GPU job duration: 0 seconds
22-Feb-2013 19:31:32 [Radioactive@Home] [sched_op_debug] estimated total ATI GPU job duration: 0 seconds
22-Feb-2013 19:31:32 [Radioactive@Home] [sched_op_debug] handle_scheduler_reply(): got ack for result sample_1500438_0
22-Feb-2013 19:31:32 [Radioactive@Home] [sched_op_debug] Deferring communication for 7 sec
22-Feb-2013 19:31:32 [Radioactive@Home] [sched_op_debug] Reason: requested by project
22-Feb-2013 19:31:34 [Radioactive@Home] Starting sample_1500753_0
22-Feb-2013 19:31:34 [Radioactive@Home] [cpu_sched] Starting sample_1500753_0 (initial)
22-Feb-2013 19:31:34 [Radioactive@Home] Starting task sample_1500753_0 using radac version 175

I see three possible changes, make Boinc 7 wait for the upload to complete before doing the trickle/request (you wouldn't want to do that with CPDN uploads, just nci uploads),
make Boinc 7 request again straight away like Boinc 6.10.58 would,
or get Radioactive@home to allow two tasks in progress, then request wouldn't get refused.

5) Message boards : News : About our HUGE delay... (Message 1607)
Posted 4199 days ago by Claggy
My Sensors arrived today, they are both connected up and are monitoring, Thanks for your efforts,

6) Message boards : Number crunching : latest detector series not recognized by app on linux (Message 1595)
Posted 4209 days ago by Claggy
Nothing essential was changed in the app code between 1.69 and later Linux releases, so if there is a problem, it's coming from the latest BOINC API.
I'm already looking at this, however my Linux host seems to be unaffected so far. I'll check with latest development version of BOINC client.

Same problem at Einstein with their latest Linux apps, they had to rebuild them with an earlier api:

Trouble with Gamma-ray pulsar search #2 v0.01

7) Message boards : News : New detectors release soon! (Message 1495)
Posted 4251 days ago by Claggy
Thanks for the update,

8) Message boards : News : New detectors release soon! (Message 1260)
Posted 4380 days ago by Claggy
I'm also after a detector or two,

9) Message boards : News : World reactors on our map (Message 1259)
Posted 4380 days ago by Claggy
The same with Wylfa 2, leaving Wylfa 1 as the last Magnox reactor operational of it's type,

Name: Wylfa-2
Capacity (Netto): 490 MW
Status: Operating
Start Year: 1972
Owner: Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA)


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