Posts by jhelebrant

1) Message boards : Number crunching : Problem - cannot view my data in Trickle (Message 3366)
Posted 3228 days ago by Profile jhelebrant
I do not understand it - I did:

juhele@Hosaka-Cyberspace7:~$ id boinc
uid=124(boinc) gid=139(boinc) skupiny=139(boinc),44(video)
juhele@Hosaka-Cyberspace7:~$ sudo adduser boinc plugdev
[sudo] password for juhele:
Přidávám uživatele „boinc“ do skupiny „plugdev“…
Přidávám uživatele boinc do skupiny plugdev

Boinc was added to plugdev group without problems, but my last task looks again this way...

I will try to purge boinc again and install their own package and not the one from repository.
2) Message boards : Number crunching : Problem - cannot view my data in Trickle (Message 3364)
Posted 3230 days ago by Profile jhelebrant
OK I corrected it but still does not look good:

Will try few more tasks to see whether anything changed...
3) Message boards : Number crunching : Problem - cannot view my data in Trickle (Message 3362)
Posted 3232 days ago by Profile jhelebrant
This is strange. I put "53-radioactive.rules" in /etc/udev/rules.d, file contains the code based on suggestion found in mentioned discussion threads:

ATTRS{idVendor}=="16c0", MODE="666", GROUP="plugdev"

And I rebooted my machine and also because of some problems I had to purge Boinc and install it again.

However I am still getting those messages:

Stderr output

Radac $Rev: 585 $ starting...
Warning: cannot query manufacturer for device: error sending control message: Operation not permitted
Could not find any of the devices listed in sensors.xml: The specified device was not found
Warning: cannot query manufacturer for device: error sending control message: Operation not permitted
Warning: cannot query manufacturer for device: error sending control message: Operation not permitted
Warning: cannot query manufacturer for device: error sending control message: Operation not permitted
16:50:53 (1157): called boinc_finish


for my tasks...

Did I something wrong? The file has the same permissions as the other ones in /etc/udev/rules.d

PS: also tried running Boinc as root but no effect...
4) Message boards : Number crunching : Problem - cannot view my data in Trickle (Message 3354)
Posted 3235 days ago by Profile jhelebrant
after some time I managed to plug in my sensor to measure again. I have the BOINC manager from Ubuntu repositories and all looks OK - however I cannot view my data.

My Computer ID is 15811, but if I use:

it says "no data". Also checked my account - there are 4 finished and validated task for September:

sample_5317978_0 5317978 16 Sep 2015 | 22:36:46 UTC
sample_5313868_0 5313868 15 Sep 2015 | 22:01:44 UTC
sample_5309802_0 5309802 14 Sep 2015 | 22:13:10 UTC
ample_5305469_0 5305469 13 Sep 2015 | 20:31:42 UTC

But if I click for details:

Stderr output

Radac $Rev: 585 $ starting...
Warning: cannot query manufacturer for device: error sending control message: Operation not permitted
Could not find any of the devices listed in sensors.xml: The specified device was not found
Warning: cannot query manufacturer for device: error sending control message: Operation not permitted
Warning: cannot query manufacturer for device: error sending control message: Operation not permitted
Warning: cannot query manufacturer for device: error sending control message: Operation not permitted
Warning: cannot query manufacturer for device: error sending control message: Operation not permitted
00:12:42 (1133): called boinc_finish


for all the tasks. I have no idea whether this is the reason I cannot view the data or maybe I am doing something wrong.

any suggestions?


PS: detector is v3 (said TJM :-) ).
5) Message boards : Science : Meteohub Integration ? (Message 2574)
Posted 3748 days ago by Profile jhelebrant
in fact there are several GM tube equipped Arduino projects. We also though about using Arduino Mega + GM board + some basic sensors for temperature and humidity (cost few USD) and ethernet shield to make the station standalone. It is not problem to publicly broadcast the data however this would probably need changes in Radioactive@home database - maybe to write a new connection because such devices would be outside the BOINC network.

Already talked with the devs here and it is not problem to implement radioactive@home data in other network - maybe easier solution as the project devs seem to be quite busy.
6) Message boards : Science : Data logging in offline mode (Message 2551)
Posted 3754 days ago by Profile jhelebrant
thank you very much for your help. My colleague modified the script to write the data to text file + some improvements so it can be for example adjusted for various time intervals etc. You can get it here from his github:
7) Message boards : Science : Data logging in offline mode (Message 2368)
Posted 3808 days ago by Profile jhelebrant
we would like to test the detector in our gamma and RTG irradiator in our institute but there is no internet connection available. Is there any known way to log the data from sensor in a file or something else? Could be in terminal - linux or windows - have both.

I am currently thinking about sniffing the using HHD free serial port monitor as the sensor uses virtual COM port via usb as I know. Will try it today but maybe there is a better way.

8) Message boards : Science : Interesting trace (Message 1973)
Posted 3994 days ago by Profile jhelebrant
Would be nice if the owner of the detector could test it in another location to prove or exclude detector hardware error. This is strange.
9) Message boards : Science : Interesting trace (Message 1923)
Posted 4018 days ago by Profile jhelebrant
we discussed this with my colleague and according to him, those spikes take too long time to be caused by trains. Ok, I was also thinking about trains transporting something like coal with higher uranium amount but in such distance it could be not such high dose rates.

We should take in account an hardware problem in the detector. It would be nice to have also measurements from another detector near this one...
10) Message boards : Science : Interesting trace (Message 1901)
Posted 4027 days ago by Profile jhelebrant
First it would be useful to know where your detector is located. For example, radon can have influence on this.

Second, I see, that your dose rate values are ranging from 350 to 500 nanoSv/h (according to graph in "Message 1823") which is slightly bigger. Is it your normal background level?

I would check the geologic map of your locality - there could be rocks with higher radioactive elements amount. Other possible source are building materials ...

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