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1) Message boards : Cafe : BOINC Workshop 2024 (Message 4128)
Posted 77 days ago by Profile Contact

BOINC@20: Science + Technology + Community

The 20th BOINC Workshop at CERN will be an in person event and will look back at 20 years of volunteer computing, empowering citizens and scientists to tackle the world’s hardest problems, and will look forward to the future, to expand the scope of what we can all do, together.

Registration for the 2024 BOINC Workshop in-person attendance has been extended until 15 May 2024.
2) Message boards : Cafe : BOINC is a finalist for an notable award, and needs your vote (*by Sunday) (Message 4125)
Posted 115 days ago by Profile Contact
The voting deadline has been extended until Thursday April 04 (23:00 UTC+02:00) and the instructions have been updated.
Please consider voting if you haven't already.
3) Message boards : Cafe : BOINC is a finalist for an notable award, and needs your vote (*by Sunday) (Message 4123)
Posted 123 days ago by Profile Contact
The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) is a United Nations-sponsored initiative aimed at harnessing the potential of information and communication technologies to build inclusive and equitable information societies worldwide. BOINC has been nominated for a prize at the 2024 forum, and has passed initial hurdles; the next and last step ("Phase 3") requires public votes. The award would be a very nice boost and validation for BOINC and all our projects; if we can get our communities to vote, we should have a decent shot at this point...

Voting is pretty simple, takes just a few minutes; instructions are here.

(*The deadline for votes is Sunday: 31 March 2024, 23:00 UTC+02:00)
4) Message boards : Cafe : 2021 BOINC Workshop ✨ (Message 3974)
Posted 1155 days ago by Profile Contact
All 2021 BOINC Workshop videos are now online. There is a lot of awesome information documented here.
5) Message boards : Cafe : 2021 BOINC Workshop ✨ (Message 3970)
Posted 1171 days ago by Profile Contact
2021 BOINC Workshop - Day 01 videos are now live!
6) Message boards : Cafe : 2021 BOINC Workshop ✨ (Message 3969)
Posted 1186 days ago by Profile Contact
Day 3 - April 28 - Presentations, Community Discussion + Tutorials.
The agenda for Day 3 outlines another promising day in the BOINC workshop.

09:00 PDT / 11:00 CDT / 12:00 EDT / 17:00 BST+IST / 18:00 CEST / 19:00 EEST -- Est program duration: 3.25 hours

START Matt Blumberg Welcome + the day’s agenda

+00:10 Steven Clark NanoHub

+00:25 Steffen Möller BOINC on OpenWrt

+00:40 Marko Jukic SiDock@home

+00:55 Breakout Session Topic brainstorm + polling

+01:05 TRACK 01: Breakout Sessions

+01:05 TRACK 02: Project Setup Tutorial

+02:15 Full group: Breakout reports + discussion

+03:00 Matt Blumberg Wrap up and closing notes
7) Message boards : Cafe : 2021 BOINC Workshop ✨ (Message 3967)
Posted 1193 days ago by Profile Contact
Only hours away from Day 2 Tech Talks - April 21.
09:00 PDT / 11:00 CDT / 12:00 EDT / 17:00 BST+IST / 18:00 CEST / 19:00 EEST Est program duration: 3.25 hours

Register to attend if you haven't already.

START Matt Blumberg Welcome + the day’s agenda

+00:10 Mohanty Sharada AICrowd

+00:25 Medha Atre Eydle AI

+00:40 Max Ryabinin Learning@home

+00:55 Panel: "Issues for AI on Volunteer Computing"

+01:10 Ritu Arora BOINC@TACC

+01:25 Andy Bowery CPDN

+01:40 Vitalii Koshura BOINC for Android

+01:55 Laurence Field LHC@Home

+02:10 Bernd Machenschalk Einstein@Home

+02:25 Rytis Slatkevičius + Tristan Olive Charity Engine

+02:40 David Anderson BOINC Development: Past year + draft roadmap

+03:10 Matt Blumberg Wrap up + look forward to next week
8) Message boards : Cafe : 2021 BOINC Workshop ✨ (Message 3966)
Posted 1202 days ago by Profile Contact

Please join us for the 2021 BOINC Workshop (this year, online), the annual showcase for research enabled by BOINC, and an open forum to discuss the technology and community.
Three Wednesdays in April: 14, 21, 28. Learn more and register at

Learn, Discover, Participate, Build: BOINC Workshop 2021
3 Wednesdays in April: 14, 21, 28
09:00 PDT / 11:00 CDT / 12:00 EDT / 17:00 BST+IST / 18:00 CEST / 19:00 EEST

BOINC (Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing) is an open-source software — and community — that enables volunteers to donate spare processing power from their PCs, laptops, and phones, to power vital scientific and medical research.

Aggregated, these resources enable cutting edge research across mathematics, biology, physics, quantum chemistry, climate prediction and more.

The BOINC Workshop is comprised of three sessions. The first will showcase projects that using BOINC, highlighting the role of citizen participation in advancing scientific research. The second is a forum for BOINC projects to discuss the technology, their accomplishments in the past year, and technical needs moving forward. The third is an open-ended community discussion.

Who should attend?
The BOINC Workshop is for anyone interested in harnessing science, technology, and online community to advance knowledge and effect change.

(*Part of the workshop, “Tech Talks” and “Tutorials” will be focused on people running, or interested in running, BOINC projects.)

Where is the Event? How do I participate? Where do I sign up?
This year’s workshop will be online, via Zoom. Please register to get the event URL.

I’d like to present, who do I contact?
If you’d like to speak on any BOINC-related topic (science, technology, community), please register or contact us.

Can I watch a recording later?
We’ll be posting highlights to YouTube - but to participate in Q&A, and other interactive elements of the workshop, it’s best to join us live :)

BOINC Workshop 2019 presentations

📣 There have been recent updates to the BOINC Workshop website. - Updated April 11 2021 -
Go ahead and register if you haven't already. wrote:
The World of BOINC. April 14.
Come join the annual showcase of research projects using BOINC, and see what crowd-powered research is making possible today.

09:00 PDT / 11:00 CDT / 12:00 EDT / 17:00 BST+IST / 18:00 CEST / 19:00 EEST

Est program duration: 3.25 hours

START Matt Blumberg Welcome + the day’s agenda

+00:10 David Anderson BOINC Initiatives

+00:40 Marcus Belcastro Review of active BOINC projects

+00:55 Rytis Slatkevičius The Science Cloud

+01:10 Bruce Allen Einstein@home

+01:25 Nils Høimyr LHC@home

+01:40 David Wallom

+01:55 Juan Hindo World Community Grid: COVID Research

+02:10 John Clemens MachineLearning@home

+02:25. Ritu Arora BOINC@TACC: COVID Research

+02:40 Steven Clark nanoHUB

+02:55 Matt Blumberg Find.Bio + Charity Engine

+03:10 Matt Blumberg Wrap up + look forward to next week

Tech Talks. April 21.
If you’re running a BOINC project, please join us to discuss technical aspects of your project: accomplishments, goals, and needs.

09:00 PDT / 11:00 CDT / 12:00 EDT / 17:00 BST+IST / 18:00 CEST / 19:00 EEST

Est program duration: 3.25 hours

START Matt Blumberg Welcome + the day’s agenda

00:10 Mohanty Sharada AICrowd

00:25 Medha Atre Eydle AI

00:40 Max Ryabinin Learning@home

00:55 Panel: "Issues for AI on Volunteer Computing"

01:10 Ritu Arora BOINC@TACC

01:25 Andy Bowery CPDN

01:40 Vitalii Koshura BOINC for Android

01:55 Nils Høimyr LHC@Home

02:10 Bruce Allen Einstein@Home

02:25 Rytis Slatkevičius + Tristan Olive Charity Engine

02:40 David Anderson BOINC Development: Past year + draft roadmap

03:10 Matt Blumberg Wrap up + look forward to next week wrote:
David Anderson
BOINC, Science United

Nils Høimyr

Juan Hindo
World Community Grid (IBM)

Ritu Arora
BOINC@TACC (University of Texas at San Antonio)

Rytis Slatkevicius
The Science Cloud, Charity Engine, Find.Bio, PrimeGrid

Medha Atre
Eydle AI

Ashwini Rao
Eydle AI

Vitalii Koshura
BOINC for Android

Steven Clark
nanoHUB (San Diego Supercomputer Center)

Bruce Allen
Einstein@home (Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics), BOINC PMC

Matt Blumberg
Charity Engine, Find.Bio, GridRepublic, BOINC PMC

David Wallom (Oxford University)

John Clemens
MLC@home (UMBC)

Marcus Belcastro

Mohanty Sharada

Keith Uplinger
World Community Grid (IBM), BOINC PMC

Andy Bowery (Oxford University)

Tristan Olive
Charity Engine, Find.Bio

Max Ryabinin
9) Message boards : News : ACTA (Message 718)
Posted 4563 days ago by Profile Contact
A petition.
"To all Members of the EU Parliament:
As concerned global citizens, we call on you to stand for a free and open Internet and reject the ratification of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), which would destroy it. The Internet is a crucial tool for people around the world to exchange ideas and promote democracy. We urge you to show true global leadership and protect our rights."

10) Message boards : News : ACTA (Message 702)
Posted 4573 days ago by Profile Contact
ACTA makes me "uncomfortable". Very uncomfortable.

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