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Päivän käyttäjä

Käyttäjäprofiili Profile Vit Kliber
I am cruncher from Czech National Team


New detectors...
After long time I will like to order from professional company a set of around 100-150 detectors...
What you think about it?

(I know, map doesn't work as Google change its policy, we will move to OSM in January...)

New detectors cost will be around 30-33 Euros as we not assemble it manually ourselves but order it from selected company...

Edit: My Patrone profile (where Poll is): https://www.patreon.com/krzyszp
31 Dec 2018 | 0:42:18 UTC · Kommentti

Server issue
Currently we have some problems with server virtualisation.
The server will be reinstalled probably this night again.
14 Feb 2016 | 14:26:23 UTC · Kommentti

The future of the project - detectors, and a "new" project administrator
Due to difficult family situation I have very limited time for an any activity associated to the project.

Project is now managed by BOINC Polska Foundation and I'm only a consultant here.
Please in all matters related to the project contact with "Krzysztof Piszczek - wspieram Polski Projekt Boinc" (User ID = 2).

Michał 'Szopler' Szoplik
7 Oct 2015 | 18:05:36 UTC · Kommentti

Detector V2.60 (KIT) Firmware Upgrade!
There is a bug in Firmware 1.0 that causes error in pulse counting. The higher is dose rate the greater is an error.
Bug was caused by blocking delay that was used in 'beep' procedure.

If you have "Radioactive@Home --- 2.60 ---" detector you can upgrade firmware by RS232 connection but if you don't know how to do it - don't do it!

Here is an upgrade pack:
Firmware Upgrade Pack

Good luck!
12 Jan 2015 | 20:24:42 UTC · Kommentti

Third batch of KIT [Detector V2.61]
100% SOLD

Number of kits in this batch: 102 pcs.

KIT definition:
- partially mounted PCB (high voltage generating section + testing ; without LCD, buzzer and pulse forming section)
- Geiger tube
- Enclosure
- Programmed µP

Shipment planned within 6 weeks after collecting all orders.
HERE <-- is a list of orders/payments.

Cost (with shipping):
for 1..3 : 25.00 Euro
for 4..6 : 24.50 Euro
for 7..9 : 24.00 Euro
for 10+ : 23.75 Euro
(When you will pay for 20 sets it results in that one is for free!)
21 Aug 2014 | 14:03:54 UTC · Kommentti

... more

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