Find Advanced Tools to Help You in Complying With CCPA Compliance

CCPA Compliance Services

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DescriptionThe methods and patterns to grow a business have always been changing. Today, the Internet is the largest medium for growing a business. Most businesses these days use the Internet to grow their business. With the help of the internet, they try to reach a large number of potential audiences.

Businesses use various technologies and gather the information of their customers. Gathering information like name, address, and more is a requirement for doing business with customers, but with the growing technology landscape, the information of individuals can also be used for other purposes.

That is why the formulation of the CCPA compliance services was very important. Wondering what CCPA compliance is? It is a data privacy law implemented state-wide in the US. The data privacy law is meant to regulate the use of personal information of Californians by any business. Here is the list of criteria that qualify a business that must comply with these services:

1. Any business that has annual gross revenue of more than $25 million has to comply with these services.

2. Any business that gets 50 percent or more of its revenue from sellingconsumers personal information.

3. If any business buys or receives information of clients for commercial purposes or sells or shares the information for commercials purposes either alone or in combination. If they have the information of more than 50,000 consumers, devices, or households, they need to comply with these services.

You must be wondering how you can comply with these guidelines. Luckily, we know an advanced software company that can help you in complying with these guidelines. Can’t wait to know about this company? Scroll down below to know all about this company.

PrettyFluid Technologies is amongst the leading Privacy as a Service, or PraaS service providers. They are known for providing advanced robust software tools to maintain data privacy compliance. They provide a tool called Zentinel that has advanced features and will help you in complying with the regulations effectively. The best thing about this company is that the tools they provide can be used in any business despite their size. If you want to know more about this company, you can visit their website.

About PrettyFluid Technologies:

PrettyFluid Technologies is a trusted company providing data protection tools with OAUTH and SAML single sign on features.

For more information, visit Prettyfluidtechnologies.
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