Dead sensor ?

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Profile Greg*
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Message 1626 - Posted: 10 Feb 2013 | 10:08:17 UTC
Last modified: 10 Feb 2013 | 10:08:58 UTC

I have received these last days several email saying :

"Your sensor connected to host 978 is not responding. If you did not remove it on purpose, you may have to check if it is connected and working properly.

This is an automated message from Radioactive@Home server."

unpluging-repluging the sensor worked well but now, it looks like it's dead. It doesn't work anymoyre (no light, no beep in fact nothing anymore)

I tryed to plug it in another USB cable but same thing, no reaction.

Have you a solution ?

Thank you.

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Message 1627 - Posted: 10 Feb 2013 | 16:46:47 UTC - in response to Message 1626.

It is possible the USB port on the computer is dead. Did you try a different device on the port to verify that it still works?

If you have a voltmeter you could check to see if there is +5 volts at the microprocessor.

Profile Greg*
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Message 1629 - Posted: 10 Feb 2013 | 18:54:18 UTC

I tryed another USB port which I'm sure is working and it's not better. I have no voltmeter @home

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Message 1630 - Posted: 10 Feb 2013 | 20:12:43 UTC - in response to Message 1629.

I was thinking that the display should illuminate even if the microprocessor itself is dead or the programming is not working and that if it does not illuminate then it means it's not getting the +5 from the USB port. I could be wrong about the display or it could be the +5 is blocked after it arrives at the detector. A voltmeter would help to determine that.

If everything else fails please do not trash the detector. You could try cleaning the solder side of the PCB with iso-propyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) and a stiff plastic bristled brush or a brass bristled brush, not a steel brush. They didn't clean the PCBs properly after they soldered the components and I know of 2 detectors that did not work until after they were cleaned properly. Mind yours did work for a while so it is likely not the fault of debris left on the board but I suppose it is possible debris has shifted over time and is now shorting something on the board. Possible but not likely, try the cleaning if they cannot find any other solution.

One more idea to think about... I assume from the credits you have accumulated that you have one of the early detectors that did not come in a box. Did you put it in an enclosure? If not then it is possible some conductive debris has fallen onto the detector and is shorting something. Also, if not properly enclosed it is more subject to static discharge. So is it in a box or is it exposed?


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Message 1631 - Posted: 10 Feb 2013 | 22:01:09 UTC - in response to Message 1630.

The sensor connected to the port should start up with LCD backlight on, at least for a while (typically ~1 to 2 minutes) until the app takes over control.

Please check the USB cable first.

Profile Greg*
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Message 1632 - Posted: 11 Feb 2013 | 19:35:53 UTC

In fact, my detector has a box (One of the first I assume)
I've tryed 3 differents USB ports and 2 cables (One is plugged to my printer and is working) but it looks like the detector does not want to ignite at all.


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Message 1633 - Posted: 12 Feb 2013 | 18:56:54 UTC - in response to Message 1632.

Then it is assuredly receiving the +5V it needs.

It's not a terribly complicated circuit, you could probably diagnose and repair it your self if you had a soldering iron and volt meter.

Did you try the cleaning I recommended?

If nothing else works they will likely ask you to return the detector to them for a repair. If not please do not throw the device in the trash. Instead I'll pay the shipping cost to ship it to me in Canada. I can fix it.


Profile Greg*
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Message 1635 - Posted: 13 Feb 2013 | 18:52:48 UTC

Ok, I will try to clean it this WE. THx

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Message 1900 - Posted: 17 Jul 2013 | 2:15:29 UTC - in response to Message 1635.

Having same problem with my black box version. I have not tried cleaning the back of the PCB. I have rewraped the wire around the tube. The reason I did this was because if I bang the sensor while it is in it's black housing the LCD will come on and sensor will start to work. I have checked for lose solder joints.

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