New (alternative) detector model...

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Message 744 - Posted: 12 Feb 2012 | 20:56:25 UTC
Last modified: 12 Feb 2012 | 21:03:23 UTC

One of BOINC@Poland members (ryszard.korczyk) has created new detector, based on another micro controller than used by us.
As soon as I get all data from him (diagram, software, pictures) I will publish all information on our main web site (if I get his permission of course).
Krzysztof 'krzyszp' Piszczek
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Message 745 - Posted: 16 Feb 2012 | 9:46:16 UTC - in response to Message 744.
Last modified: 16 Feb 2012 | 9:52:18 UTC

Jestem z Ukrainy. Dlaczego warto korzystać z tłumacza. Przepraszam za język.
I niezależnie opracował plan i program, i kilkakrotnie dozymetrów użyciu mikrokontrolera AVR ATMEGA48 ... 168,32.
Mam kilka pytań:
Dlaczego używasz kontrolera attiny4313. ma wiele wad dla swoich projektów. Na przykład, nie jest skalowalna.
Drugi punkt: nie jest na sprzedaż. co najmniej na Ukrainie podjęto na zamówienie. Podobnie jak w innych krajach nie wiem.
Mogę zaoferować wybierać z szeregu kontrolera ATMEGA48. Który jest łatwo zastąpić ATMega88 i Atmega168 i Atmega328 bez zmiany obwodu.
Nie zagłębił się w oprogramowaniu płyty głównej, ale będę musiał dostosować się do tego projektu architektonicznego, używając innego mikrokontrolera.
Proponuję wydłużyć czas pomiaru od 40 sekund do 10-15 minut. zwiększy dokładność. Jednak Geiger SBM-20 nie jest najlepszym wyborem.
W sensie ogólnym, projektu architektonicznego interesujące. Życzę dobrej kontynuacji i sukces.

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Message 746 - Posted: 16 Feb 2012 | 15:15:43 UTC - in response to Message 745.


Miałem kłopoty ze zrozumieniem, może po angielsku?

Kwestia architektury (Attiny4313) to kwestia naszego wyboru - niedługo zmienimy go na inny.
Co do możliwości kupienia czujnika, wielokrotnie pisałem na forum (i stronie głównej projektu), że nie sprzedajemy cały czas czujników, a tylko co jakiś czas zbieramy zamówienia i montujemy je wszystkie razem, inaczej były by bardzo drogie.


Krzysztof 'krzyszp' Piszczek
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Message 748 - Posted: 16 Feb 2012 | 18:48:12 UTC - in response to Message 746.

In English it is easier to explain, albeit with an interpreter. For this choice of language for you.
I watched the news you posted - the detector to the PIC controller. This is the third change of brand controllers. This is the final decision? The scheme does not appear on the large size of hard to see why. Why do not you use a controller with a large number of legs? then you should not put the 74HCT595.
And the most important question - the USB protocol is not changed? In order to work both old and new versions of the boards.
Another question - is there a description of the interaction protocol and a computer motherboard?

What does it all - a few people in Ukraine want to be a member of Projects and host the detectors with the map on the map. Accordingly, asked me to make the data detector. I also want to have a place to build the detector and in the future in a system of "smart home".

Profile krzyszp
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Message 749 - Posted: 16 Feb 2012 | 19:25:53 UTC - in response to Message 748.

In English it is easier to explain, albeit with an interpreter. For this choice of language for you.
I watched the news you posted - the detector to the PIC controller. This is the third change of brand controllers. This is the final decision? The scheme does not appear on the large size of hard to see why. Why do not you use a controller with a large number of legs? then you should not put the 74HCT595.
And the most important question - the USB protocol is not changed? In order to work both old and new versions of the boards.
Another question - is there a description of the interaction protocol and a computer motherboard?

What does it all - a few people in Ukraine want to be a member of Projects and host the detectors with the map on the map. Accordingly, asked me to make the data detector. I also want to have a place to build the detector and in the future in a system of "smart home".

1. This is second change (Attiny2313 to Attiny4313 was on prototype stage only).
2. New model is proposal now (is not fully tested yet).
3. USB data protocol didn't change - this is described in article...
4. All software and diagrams for current model is available on our web site and forum, please find it.
5. Diagram in article is not fully size picture yet because can be changed soon as work on it is still in progress :)
Krzysztof 'krzyszp' Piszczek
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Message 750 - Posted: 16 Feb 2012 | 20:34:03 UTC - in response to Message 749.

attiny4313 for sale we do not.
therefore, the question is:
- To adapt a different controller.
- Use PIC18F14K50. He is on sale.
but PIC18F14K50 you are not yet give a diagram and code.

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Message boards : News : New (alternative) detector model...

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