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Message 701 - Posted: 17 Jan 2012 | 22:58:56 UTC

With regard to the ACTA (so-called Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement) accepted by European Union, we feel obliged to warn you that our website may be unavailable in some countries soon.

ACTA Agreement was initiated by organizations describing themselves as "defending artists from bad pirates" and has been enforced on EU in secret negotiations initiated by US Government. Non government
organizations from all over the world agreed on condemning both the way of negotiations ware taken and allowing by this agreement cutting off websites "uncomfortable" for governments of countries that
signed ACTA, without proving infringements of any laws.

W związku z przyjęciem przez Unię Europejską porozumienia ACTA czujemy się w obowiązku powiadomić Was, że już wkrótce, w niektórych krajach nasza strona może być nieosiągalna.

Porozumienie ACTA powstało z inicjatywy organizacji określających się jako broniące artystów przed złymi piratami (czyli organizacje zarządzające prawami autorskimi) oraz zostało niejako wymuszone na Unii Europejskiej poprzez tajne negocjacje zainicjowane przez rząd USA. Zgodne są opinie organizacji pozarządowych z praktycznie całego świata piętnujące zarówno tryb negocjacji oraz dopuszczenie przez to porozumienie odcinania stron internetowych "niewygodnych" dla rządów państw sygnatariuszy bez udowodnienia złamania jakiegokolwiek prawa.

In Bezug auf das ACTA (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, das sogenannte Anti-Piraterie-Abkommen), das vom Europäischen Rat bereits verabschiedet wurde, möchten wir die Benutzer dieser Webseite davor warnen, das sie eventuell künftig in einigen Ländern nicht mehr zu sehen sein wird.

ACTA wurde von Organisationen ins Leben gerufen, die von sich selber behaupten "Künstler vor bösen Piraten beschützen" zu wollen, und wurde von der EU in Geheimverhandlungen, initiiert von den USA beschlossen. Nichtregierungsorganisationen rund um den Globus verurteilen sowohl die Vorgehensweise bei den Verhandlungen, als auch die von diesem Abkommen ermöglichte Sperrung von den jeweiligen Regierungen missliebigen Seiten, sofern diese Länder das ACTA mit unterzeichnet haben, ohne das dafür irgendwelche Beweise von Rechtsbrüchen vorliegen müssen.

En ce qui concerne l' ACTA (soi-disant Accord commercial anti-contrefaçon) acceptée par l'Union européenne, nous nous sentons obligés de vous avertir que notre site pourrait devenir bientôt indisponible dans certains pays.

ACTA a été initié par des organisations se décrivant comme « Défenseur des artistes contre les mauvais pirates » et il a été inscrit de force dans des négociations secrètes en Union Européenne, à l'initiative du gouvernement des USA. Des organisations non gouvernementales partout dans le monde condamnent aussi bien le caractère secret de ces négociations que l'autorisation permettant à cet accord de couper des sites "gênants" pour les gouvernements ayant signé l' ACTA, sans qu'il soit besoin de prouver une quelconque infraction de loi.

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Message 702 - Posted: 18 Jan 2012 | 15:11:37 UTC

ACTA makes me "uncomfortable". Very uncomfortable.

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Message 704 - Posted: 18 Jan 2012 | 22:06:20 UTC - in response to Message 702.

The fact that the sorry xxxxxxx's snuck around in the dark to strike this deal tells me that there is plenty of ill intent involved in it.

It will be abused like the US abuses the patriot act. THAT is why they did it in dark rooms, because if the people knew what kind of stuff they wanted to include in it the people would have had a fit.

Government of ANY nation has NO business in the internet. It will police itself. The only thing government will do is shut it down, and tax it. We need neither.

Im not saying piracy is ok but you will NOT stop it, all this will do is drive it underground. People will start using private dns servers etc.

Just another step government is taking to take away freedoms.

Bad news indeed

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Message 705 - Posted: 18 Jan 2012 | 23:27:59 UTC - in response to Message 701.

Why would they censor or block Radioactive@home? This project isn't stealing gamma ray detector data from artists, it gets the data for free from its volunteers!

Do they think this is a pirate site just because Szopler's avatar wears a pirate hat? I'm gonna get me a pirate hat too.


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Message 707 - Posted: 20 Jan 2012 | 15:41:26 UTC - in response to Message 705.

Dagorath, why don't you redo your avatar and put a pirate hat on ole bushie there, he already got the crossbones, you are half way there.

That is what is worrying people about this stupid law, is that they don't need a reason really, just someone to say shut it down.

Let's say there is 'illegal' activity going on on the server that this site is hosted on. The owners of this site have no clue it is happening, they are not involved, have nothing to do with it. The govt will come in and shut the entire thing down, not just that site, but also this site, all of it. Now this site which wasn't breaking the law gets hurt out of the deal too.

You are talking about politicians / people with big money buying them / power grabs and greed. Need I say more? Look how they warped the Patriot Act and how they are abusing it today. Do you really think with the track record governments have, they would not do the same thing with this law, stretch it, twist it, abuse it in their efforts to abuse you?

Some clown will put on their tinfoil hat, say this site is a national security risk or something totally stupid, play the 'technology export' game, and shut it down or they will search the terabyte drive it's hosted on, find an .mp3 that someone e mailed someone else two years ago, say it's illegal file sharing cost the artist 100 million dollars and go that way.

I know you and I have differing political views but both of us have to admit that when it comes to evil deeds such as this, BOTH sides are in bed with each other on doing this type of thing.


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Message 708 - Posted: 20 Jan 2012 | 19:21:27 UTC - in response to Message 707.

Also, Krzysztof you claim that this law was done in secret and is being enforced in the EU. We are not seeing too much news about this in the US really. Can you please link a source of your information. I would like to post it in a few places here.

thank you

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Message 709 - Posted: 20 Jan 2012 | 20:10:51 UTC - in response to Message 708.
Last modified: 20 Jan 2012 | 20:11:52 UTC

You can find loads of arguments on La Quadrature du Net site.
I think, there is richest database of materials and comments about ACTA in English available, also you can read interesting article here and on Wikipedia.
Other links:
The Register
Google and ACTA
Krzysztof 'krzyszp' Piszczek
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Message 711 - Posted: 21 Jan 2012 | 11:36:58 UTC

I really hope the EU doesn't jump on this too! If they do, I'll move to Antarctica...

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Message 712 - Posted: 21 Jan 2012 | 11:42:32 UTC - in response to Message 711.

I really hope the EU doesn't jump on this too! If they do, I'll move to Antarctica...

You can also support this project... ;)
Krzysztof 'krzyszp' Piszczek
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Message 713 - Posted: 22 Jan 2012 | 7:39:00 UTC - in response to Message 708.

We are not seeing too much news about this in the US really. Can you please link a source of your information.
thank you

ACTA was passed in the US during the Bush administration along with a lot of other Nazi inspired legislation. Remember Yuri Geller who used to bend spoons with his mind? They proved he was a fraud on some TV show and the video of that event was available on YouTube until Geller used ACTA to get the video removed from YouTube. It was not a matter of the TV network claiming copyright infringement, it was an action launched by Geller himself because he was angry over being proven a fake.

Now there is legislation even more draconian than ACTA being debated in Washington and it's all over the blogs coming out of the US. There is a new anti-piracy bill being debated in the US Senate and a similar bill being debated in the House. Obama has said he'll veto both of them if they pass. Obama is your friend.

So there ya go... vote repuglican and the new legislation is as good as passed and then the Internet will be toast. Vote democrat and the situation will stay what it is now and you can work on Obama to repeal ACTA and replace it with something decent.


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Message 715 - Posted: 24 Jan 2012 | 1:15:17 UTC - in response to Message 713.

What Anonymous says about Polish government and ACTA:
Anonymous Polish Revolution
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Message 717 - Posted: 28 Jan 2012 | 0:06:40 UTC - in response to Message 715.

Dagorath, it's not that simple.
Obama is nobody's friend really. He says one thing one minute, the next turns around and does something different. He's no different than GWB or any other politician to be honest. For what it's worth, the two front runners for the repubs are no better.

The thing you have to realize is that they all huff and puff on the national stage for us little people to pick sides and fight, but behind their closed doors they are doing their dope deals with each other and WE the People lose out in the end. They are all in bed together. They all crave power over us, and when they say they are doing something 'for your own good' be afraid, be VERY afraid, nefarious deeds are in the making.

It is kind of like the WWF wrestling, they 'hate' each other on the camera but as soon as it stops rolling, they laugh, and go out together for a beer. Politicians are the same way.

Fortunately Anonymous took down a few of the US websites (good for them!!) and these morons got a real wake up call and decided to 'rethink' this act.

What that really means is that they tried to parade it for notoriety and it bit them in the ass. This time they will be sneaky about it and try to slide it in somewhere hoping not too many people are paying attention when they do. It appears the Europeans were a bit smarter and took this route the first time. Nobody ever accused American politicians of being intelligent.... just breathing. (except for dead kennedy heh)

As I said before, politicians R or D, both are filthy crooked and you can trust neither.


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Message 718 - Posted: 28 Jan 2012 | 3:19:30 UTC

A petition.
"To all Members of the EU Parliament:
As concerned global citizens, we call on you to stand for a free and open Internet and reject the ratification of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), which would destroy it. The Internet is a crucial tool for people around the world to exchange ideas and promote democracy. We urge you to show true global leadership and protect our rights."

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Message 719 - Posted: 28 Jan 2012 | 20:22:48 UTC - in response to Message 718.

Good petition! I signed it, only takes a minute.


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Message 720 - Posted: 29 Jan 2012 | 20:08:16 UTC - in response to Message 719.

I would sign it too but being I am not of europe, would it make a difference, would it help?


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Message 721 - Posted: 30 Jan 2012 | 8:27:37 UTC - in response to Message 720.

The petition says:

To all Members of the EU Parliament:

As concerned global citizens, we call on you to stand for a free and open Internet and reject the ratification of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), which would destroy it. The Internet is a crucial tool for people around the world to exchange ideas and promote democracy. We urge you to show true global leadership and protect our rights.

Doesn't say you have to be from Europe, just gotta be from Earth. No ETs allowed.


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Message 723 - Posted: 1 Feb 2012 | 1:45:46 UTC - in response to Message 721.

cool. I went ahead and signed it. Let's hope their politicians have a bigger set than the whimpy US politicians and do the right thing.

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Message 743 - Posted: 9 Feb 2012 | 19:11:48 UTC

An interesting decision today from the Supreme Court of Canada . The ruling effectively pushes back attempts by artists to force ISPs to censor Internet users by ruling that ISPs are not responsible for what their customers broadcast/publish on the Internet and are not subject to the Canadian Broadcast Act. The decision was based on the fact that ISPs are merely a conduit and do not take active part in deciding what to broadcast/publish.

So much for the uninformed notion that Canadians are a bunch of big government leftists and liberals. This decision clearly keeps the Canadian Government from intruding into the Internet via the Canadian Broadcast Act and establishes a sane laissez-faire definition of what ISPs are not responsible for in Canada. People south of Canada wishing to be governed in the same sane way should dissolve their own governments and petition Her Majesty's Canadian Government to annex their lands and provide governance. Canada would probably not grant the region status as a Province of Canada but would designate the area as something like "The Southern Territories".

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