Who will be Next US.

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Profile Ascholten
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Message 916 - Posted: 18 Mar 2012 | 21:32:06 UTC

Well I see that the US of A is finally getting dotted in the project. Of course Dagorath is holding down the fort up in the great white north!! I thought we had more than one Canadian member here hmmm.

It will be nice when the US is finally well covered with members reporting as we see some of the other countries are.

As a side note. I know the server keeps data for a little while, is there any way some math can be done to give the user's (that'd be us) some counters, say accumulated radiation? Maybe one that is resettable by us, one for a grand total overall, etc. I think it'd be cool to see, over the last year you absorbed 2.6 Rem of background radiation etc etc.

If this would be too much load on the server, can someone possibly who is not a mental midget at programming like I am, do a little script or something that we can use our own computers to hit the server for the numbers and do these?

Just an idea.


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Message 917 - Posted: 19 Mar 2012 | 3:29:57 UTC - in response to Message 916.

Yah, I'm holding down the fort up here. There are other Canadians registered with this project but they don't seem to be in the least interested in getting a detector. For example, Keith received a non-working detector and wanted to get rid of it so I took it off his hands for the cost of shipping it to me. I fixed it (just a little solder flux and solder spatter between 2 pins) and offered to give it away on my team's web site to anybody who would pay the shipping... about $10. Nobody wants it! We don't have many reactors in Canada, two I think, so nuclear radiation leaks and related topics just aren't on our minds a lot. When we need more electricity we just poke a hole in the ground with a sharp stick and out comes either oil or natural gas so we use that to fuel generating stations then go play hockey.

As for sample data... I'm capturing all of the data from all the detectors here, sorting it by country, province and city and compressing it. I'll be making it available soon to anyone who wants it and I'll be saving years of it. I have the website setup now for distributing the data, just need to make sure it's all running smooth and updating itself properly.

In addition to the data I'll provide Python scripts for different ways of analyzing, playing with and graphing the data. I might make the graphs available on the website but for sure I'll be providing all the scripts to whoever wants them so they can make their own graphs, collect their own data and whatever. Python is a very easy to use programming language and once you have a way of getting the data you'll find it's easy to do whatever calculations you want in Python and use GNUplot to graph the data.


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Message 919 - Posted: 19 Mar 2012 | 22:04:31 UTC - in response to Message 917.

You don't have many reactors Dagorath but other countries do, if one of ours were to have an incident, unfortunately a cloud could very easily reach you. Granted I don't think montana and the dakota's have many nukes but still...

If a nuclear weapon were to go off somewhere, that cloud of poison will go thousands and thousands of feet into the air, unlike the accident in Japan where the effect was a bit more limited. In the case of an N burst, yes that cloud will easily navigate the globe, dropping stuff all over.

You go play hockey, and drink beer too don't forget :D Hockey is always more fun when you got a buzz going.

Thanks for the reply.


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Message 924 - Posted: 20 Mar 2012 | 5:56:36 UTC - in response to Message 919.

You don't have many reactors Dagorath but other countries do, if one of ours were to have an incident, unfortunately a cloud could very easily reach you.

Well *I* know that and that's one of the reasons I have a detector but unfortunately not many other Canucks seem to think about it enough to want a detector. At least nobody on my team does. Oh well.


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Message 926 - Posted: 20 Mar 2012 | 12:34:01 UTC
Last modified: 20 Mar 2012 | 12:35:56 UTC

Well, I've joined the map....near the middle of the US.

Home to a TRIGA Mark II Research Reactor 1250kW....I live about 1 mile west of it...

Wonder if I'd want to get another sensor to use at work....

If I were still living in Canada...I'd probably still have gotten a sensor, etc...

The Dreamer
You may be a dreamer, but I'm The Dreamer, the definite article you might say!

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Message 931 - Posted: 21 Mar 2012 | 23:05:22 UTC - in response to Message 916.

Of course Dagorath is holding down the fort up in the great white north!!

And, the fort is in Lethbridge.... I used to live in Medicine Hat (and Calgary before that.)

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Message 935 - Posted: 22 Mar 2012 | 23:05:49 UTC - in response to Message 931.

Ah, so you know Alberta. I've lived in all 3 cities. I love the Hat, owns it's own gas wells, generates it's own electricty, and sells the gas and power at cost to residents, living is easy there.


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