Yes, you can.
Readings for current task are stored in 'data.bin' file. Don't worry, this file isn't binary - is standard txt file and looks like:
18137,9,2012-4-8 15:23:18,593,f,0.000000
59316,25,2012-4-8 15:23:59,593,n,0.008547
99397,46,2012-4-8 15:24:39,593,n,0.017094
139915,64,2012-4-8 15:25:20,593,n,0.025641
180051,79,2012-4-8 15:26:0,593,n,0.034188
220570,95,2012-4-8 15:26:41,593,n,0.042735
261625,115,2012-4-8 15:27:22,593,n,0.051282
302104,133,2012-4-8 15:28:2,593,n,0.059829
Each kolumn in this file shows (starting from left):
- Timestamp
- Number of detected signals from last reading
- Date/time of reading
- "f" or "n" - value "f" if it is first reading from WU (Work Unit) start otherwise "n"
- Percentage of current WU